Cañada College Library Display and Exhibit Policy

Public Display Areas

There are three public posting boards in the copy area of the Library that can be used by the campus community and members of the general public. Informational and promotional materials may be also be placed on the copy area tables.

The Library will also display campus related events and information on the Library's computer monitors. To have material displayed on the computer monitors, email a JPEG file to Diana Tedone ([email protected]) or Carlos Luna ([email protected]).

If material (physical or digital) has not been approved by the Associated Students of Cañada College the Library staff reserves the right to remove or reject material.

Library Displays and Exhibits

Other display areas, such as the table and boards by the group study rooms, the large display by the front of the Library, and the table in front of the reference desk, are to be used at the Library staff’s discretion and can include displays by Library staff and the campus community.

Displays and exhibits are chosen based on, but not limited to, the following:

  • Highlight the strengths and diversity of the libraries' collections.
  • Promote library programs, campus events, and college programs.
  • Celebrate library and college milestones and accomplishments.
  • Educate the campus community on particular topics, especially related to current events.

Displays and exhibits must not violate local, state, or federal laws. Library faculty and staff reserve the right to accept and/or refuse any exhibit.

Just as the Cañada Library does not necessarily endorse the beliefs or viewpoints of the materials in our collection, it does not necessarily endorse the beliefs, viewpoints, or subject matter of items or exhibits displayed in the these spaces.

Challenges to Displays and Exhibits

The Cañada College Library affirms the Library Bill of Rights, drafted by the American Library Association, as it applies to library displays, specifically:

"The library should not censor or remove an exhibit because some members of the community may disagree with its content. Those who object to the content of any exhibit held at the library should be able to submit their complaint and/or their own exhibit proposal to be judged according to the policies established by the library."

However, the library recognizes that legitimate concerns can arise over exhibits and displays and that patrons should have a proper way to communicate these concerns and have them addressed.

How to Submit a Complaint Against Library Displays or Materials

Recognizing that a diversity of materials may result in some requests for reconsideration, the following procedures have been developed to assure that complaints are handled in an attentive and consistent manner.

  • The individual will submit a written statement of complaint that includes the following: The name, email, and telephone number of the complainant, the reasons for the complaint, and the facts supporting those reasons.
  • The individual will be notified that the Library has received their written statement of concern.
  • A copy of the statement is to be forwarded through the supervisory chain.
  • A full-time librarian will assemble a committee of three or more library personnel, of which two members will be librarians, who will review the complaint.
  • While a concern is being considered, there will be no change in the status of the display, exhibit, or printed materials.
  • Upon completion of the review process, the appropriate administrator will notify the individual of the Library's decision. A response to the concerned patron should be made within two weeks or as soon as possible after that period if the library must have additional time to respond appropriately.
  • The individual may appeal the decision to the Dean.


Documents Consulted in the Preparation of this Policy

CSU Sacramento Library, “Library Exhibits Policy,” California State University Sacramento,

Fairfax County Public Library, “Policy Regarding Complaints about Library Materials in the Collection,”

Samford University Library, “Procedures for Handling Complaints Against Library Materials,” Samford University,

University Libraries, “Exhibits Guidelines,” University of Washington,

University of Oregon Libraries, “Exhibits Policy,” University of Oregon,

University of Oregon Libraries, “Intellectual Freedom Statement,” University of Oregon,